Looking for a unique and meaningful gift for someone special? Look no further than The Greater Good. They offer a variety of items supporting a spectrum of causes. My personal favorite is the Hunger Site, but you can support Autism, Veterans, Breast Cancer awareness, Literacy, the environment or rescuing animals. You can also make a donation to charity through this site.
Through the hunger site, www.thehungersite.com I ordered a fair trade purse made in (big surprise) Uganda . Each item has an explanation of its origins and how it is helpful, and tells you how many cups of food are provided when you purchase the item.
There is also news on the website relating to each particular cause. I recommended liking them on facebook as they often offer special deals like free or reduced shipping to their fans.
So the next time a friend’s birthday rolls around and you are struggling to think of something special and meaningful, something she doesn’t have and nobody else does either, head to http://www.greatergood.com/. Pick a cause that is most meaningful to you or the recipient and start shopping.
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